Wednesday, August 3, 2011

1 month already!

Nike is already one month old, I can't believe how fast it has gone by. He is growing so much, he is already grown out of most of his new born clothes, and new born diapers are too small.

Him in his 0-3 month outfit!

He is so awake and alert these days, its so much fun. We go on walks every morning, he loves just looking around and just sits there and talks to himself the whole time. It's adorable.

Nikers on our walk

We went to bear lake a couple weekends ago, he did pretty good, and it was really good to see all my family! I am excited for next year when he can actually play, and he will have his cousins Sawyer, Miyah, Afton, and Claira that are all about the same age, so it will be tons of fun! We are heading to Utah this weekend to visit with my Utah family and friends, I am really excited to show off my cute little guy!

One of Nikes favorite things is taking baths, he loves it! So I give him one every day even though they say you only need to every other night, but its one of my favorite things.

The other day I was singing Katy Perry's Califonia girls, and Nike started laughing and dancing. It was the cutest thing I have ever seen, I am pretty sure he was just laughing at my bad singing (:
He has the cutest smile ever <3

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